Senin, 16 Desember 2013

See also: Netting and Set-off (law) Secured lending Main articles: UK banking law, Banking law, and Security interest The Bank of England (est 1694) is the lender to all other banks, at an interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee under the Bank of England Act 1998. When lending on money to businesses at a higher interest rate, banks will contract for fixed and floating charges to decrease their risk and stabilise profits. While UK insolvency law fixes a priority regime, and within each class of creditor distribution of assets is proportional or pari passu, creditors can "jump up" the priority ladder through contracts. A contract for a security interest, which is traditionally conceptualised as creating a proprietary right that is enforceable against third parties, will generally allow the secured creditor to take assets away, free from competing claims of other creditors if the company cannot service its debts. This is the first and foremost function of a security interest: to elevate the creditor's place in the insolvency queue. A second function of security is to allow the creditor to trace the value in an asset through different people, should the property be wrongfully disposed of. Third, security assists independent, out-of-court enforcement for debt repayment (subject to the statutory moratorium on insolvency), and so provides a lever against which the secured lender can push for control's over the company's management.[41] However, given the adverse distributional impact between creditors, the economic effect of secured lending is frequently characterised as a negative externality.[42] With an ostensibly private contract between a secured lender and a company, assets that would be available to other creditors are diminished without their consent and without them being privy to the bargain. Nevertheless, security interests are commonly argued to facilitate the raising of capital and hence economic development, which is argued to indirectly benefits all creditors.[43] UK law has, so far, struck a compromise approach of enforcing all "fixed" or "specific" security interests, but only partially enforcing floating charges that cover a range of assets that a company trades with. The holders of a floating charge take subject to preferential creditors and a "ring fenced fund" for up to a maximum of £600,000 reserved for paying unsecured creditors.[44] The law requires that details of most kinds of security interests are filed on the register of charges kept by Companies House. However this does not include transactions with the same effect of elevating creditors in the priority queue, such as a retention of title clause or a Quistclose trust.[45] Debentures Main article: Debenture

By on 13.56

See also: Netting and Set-off (law)
Secured lending
Main articles: UK banking law, Banking law, and Security interest
The Bank of England (est 1694) is the lender to all other banks, at an interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee under the Bank of England Act 1998. When lending on money to businesses at a higher interest rate, banks will contract for fixed and floating charges to decrease their risk and stabilise profits.

While UK insolvency law fixes a priority regime, and within each class of creditor distribution of assets is proportional or pari passu, creditors can "jump up" the priority ladder through contracts. A contract for a security interest, which is traditionally conceptualised as creating a proprietary right that is enforceable against third parties, will generally allow the secured creditor to take assets away, free from competing claims of other creditors if the company cannot service its debts. This is the first and foremost function of a security interest: to elevate the creditor's place in the insolvency queue. A second function of security is to allow the creditor to trace the value in an asset through different people, should the property be wrongfSee also: Netting and Set-off (law)
Secured lending
Main articles: UK banking law, Banking law, and Security interest
The Bank of England (est 1694) is the lender to all other banks, at an interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee under the Bank of England Act 1998. When lending on money to businesses at a higher interest rate, banks will contract for fixed and floating charges to decrease their risk and stabilise profits.

While UK insolvency law fixes a priority regime, and within each class of creditor distribution of assets is proportional or pari passu, creditors can "jump up" the priority ladder through contracts. A contract for a security interest, which is traditionally conceptualised as creating a proprietary right that is enforceable against third parties, will generally allow the secured creditor to take assets away, free from competing claims of other creditors if the company cannot service its debts. This is the first and foremost function of a security interest: to elevate the creditor's place in the insolvency queue. A second function of security is to allow the creditor to trace the value in an asset through different people, should the property be wrongfully disposed of. Third, security assists independent, out-of-court enforcement for debt repayment (subject to the statutory moratorium on insolvency), and so provides a lever against which the secured lender can push for control's over the company's management.[41] However, given the adverse distributional impact between creditors, the economic effect of secured lending is frequently characterised as a negative externality.[42] With an ostensibly private contract between a secured lender and a company, assets that would be available to other creditors are diminished without their consent and without them being privy to the bargain. Nevertheless, security interests are commonly argued to facilitate the raising of capital and hence economic development, which is argued to indirectly benefits all creditors.[43] UK law has, so far, struck a compromise approach of enforcing all "fixed" or "specific" security interests, but only partially enforcing floating charges that cover a range of assets that a company trades with. The holders of a floating charge take subject to preferential creditors and a "ring fenced fund" for up to a maximum of £600,000 reserved for paying unsecured creditors.[44] The law requires that details of most kinds of security interests are filed on the register of charges kept by Companies House. However this does not include transactions with the same effect of elevating creditors in the priority queue, such as a retention of title clause or a Quistclose trust.[45]
Main article: Debenturecured lender can push for control's over the company's management.[41] However, given the adverse distributional impact between creditors, the economic effect of secured lending is frequently characterised as a negative externality.[42] With an ostensibly private contract between a secured lender and a company, assets that would be available to other creditors are diminished without their consent and without them being privy to the bargain. Nevertheless, security interests are commonly argued to facilitate the raising of capital and hence economic development, which is argued to indirectly benefits all creditors.[43] UK law has, so far, struck a compromise approach of enforcing all "fixed" or "specific" security interests, but only partially enforcing floating charges that cover a range of assets that a company trades with. The holders of a floating charge take subject to preferential creditors and a "ring fenced fund" for up to a maximum of £600,000 reserved for paying unsecured creditors.[44] The law requires that details of most kinds of security interests are filed on the register of charges kept by Companies House. However this does not include transactions with the same effect of elevating creditors in the priority queue, such as a retention of title clause or a Quistclose trust.[45]
Main article: Debenture

est 1694) is the lender to all other banks, at an interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee unde

By on 13.56

    The law permits creditors making contracts with a company before insolvency to take a security interest over a company's property. If the security is refers to some specific asset, the holder of this "fixed charge" may take the asset away free from anybody else's interest in order to satisfy the debt. If two charges are created over the same property, the charge holder with the first will have the first access.
    The Insolvency Act 1986 section 176ZA gives special priority to all the fees and expenses of the insolvency practitioner, who carries out an administration or winding up. The practitioner's expenses will include the wages due on any employment contract that the practitioner chooses to adopt.[33] But controversially, the Court of Appeal in Krasner v McMath held this would not include the statutory requirement to pay compensation for a management's failure to consult upon collective redundancies.[34]
    Even if they are not retained, employees' wages up to £800 and sums due into employees' pensions, are to be paid under section 175.
    A certain amount of money must be set aside as a "ring fenced fund" for all creditors without security under section 176A. This is set by statutory instrument as a maximum of £600,000, or 20 per cent of the remaining value, or 50 per cent of the value of anything under £10,000. All these preferential categories (for insolvency practitioners, employees, and a limited amount for unsecured creditors) come in priority to the holder of a floating charge.
    Floating charge holders come next. Like a fixed charge, a floating charge can be created by a contract with a company before insolvency. Like with a fixed charge, this is usually done in return for a loan from a bank. But unlike a fixed charge, a floating charge need not refer to a specific asset of the company. It can cover the entire business, including a fluctuating body of assets that is traded with day today, or assets that a company will receive in future. The preferential categories were created by statute to prevent secured creditors taking all assets away. This reflected the view that the power of freedom of contract should be limited to protect employees, small businesses or consumers who have unequal bargaining power.[35]
    After funds are taken away to pay all preferential groups and the holder of a floating charge, the remaining money due to unsecured creditors. In 2001 recovery rates were found to be 53% of one's debt for secured lenders, 35% for preferential creditors but only 7% for unsecured creditors on average.[36]
    Any money due for interest on debts proven in the winding up process.
    Money due to company members under a share redemption contract.
    Debts due to members who hold preferential rights.
    Ordinary shareholders, who have the right to residual assets.

Aside from pari passu or a priority scheme, historical insolvency laws used many methods for distributing losses. The Talmud (ca 200AD) envisaged that each remaining penny would be dealt out to each creditor in turn, until a creditor received all he was owed, or the money ran out. This meant the small creditors were more likely to be paid in full than large and powerful creditors.[37]

The priority system is reinforced by a line of case law, whose principle is to ensure that creditors cannot contract out of the statutory regime:

        The general principle, according to the Mellish LJ in Re Jeavons, ex parte Mackay[38] is that "a person cannot make it a part of his contract that, in the event of bankruptcy, he is then to get some additional advantage which prevents the property being distributed under the bankruptcy laws." So in that case, Jeavons made a contract to give Brown & Co an armour plates patent, and in return Jeavons would get royalties. Jeavons also got a loan from Brown & Co. They agreed half the royalties would pay off the loan, but if Jeavons went insolvent, Brown & Co would not have to pay any royalties. The Court of Appeal held half the royalties would still need to be paid, because this was a special right for Brown & Co that only arose upon insolvency.
        In a case where a creditor is owed money by an insolvent company, but also the creditor itself owes a sum to the company, Forster v Wilson[39] held that the creditor may set-off the debt, and only needs to pay the difference. The creditor does not have to pay all its debts to the company, and then wait with other unsecured creditors for an unlikely repayment.
        However, this depends on the sums for set-off actually being in the creditors' possession. In British Eagle International Air Lines Ltd v Compaigne Nationale Air France,[40] a group of airlines, through the International Air Transport Association had a netting system to deal with all the expenses they incurred to one another efficiently. All paid into a common fund, and then at the end of each month, the sums were settled at once. British Eagle went insolvent and was a debtor overall to the scheme, but Air France owed it money. Air France claimed it should not have to pay British Eagle, was bound to pay into the netting scheme, and have the sums cleared there. The House of Lords said this would have the effect of evading the insolvency regime. It did not matter that the dominant purpose of the IATA scheme was for good business reasons. It was nevertheless void.
        Belmont Park Investments Pty Ltd v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd and Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc observed that the general principle consists of two subrules — the anti-deprivation rule (formerly known as "fraud upon the bankruptcy law") and the pari passu rule, which are addressed to different mischiefs — and held that, in borderline cases, a commercially sensible transaction entered into in good faith should not be held to infringe the first rule.
        All these anti-avoidance rules are, however, subject to the very large exception that creditors remain able to jump up the priority queue, through the creation of a security interest.

See also: Netting and Set-off (law)
Secured lending
Main articles: UK banking law, Banking law, and Security interest
The Bank of England (est 1694) is the lender to all other banks, at an interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee under the Bank of England Act 1998. When lending on money to businesses at a higher interest rate, banks will contract for fixed and floating charges to decrease their risk and stabilise profits.

ines Ltd v Compaigne Nationale Air France,[40] a group of airlines, through the International Air Transport Association had a netting system to deal with all the expenses they incurred to one another effic

By on 13.55

    The law permits creditors making contracts with a company before insolvency to take a security interest over a company's property. If the security is refers to some specific asset, the holder of this "fixed charge" may take the asset away free from anybody else's interest in order to satisfy the debt. If two charges are created over the same property, the charge holder with the first will have the first access.
    The Insolvency Act 1986 section 176ZA gives special priority to all the fees and expenses of the insolvency practitioner, who carries out an administration or winding up. The practitioner's expenses will include the wages due on any employment contract that the practitioner chooses to adopt.[33] But controversially, the Court of Appeal in Krasner v McMath held this would not include the statutory requirement to pay compensation for a management's failure to consult upon collective redundancies.[34]
    Even if they are not retained, employees' wages up to £800 and sums due into employees' pensions, are to be paid under section 175.
    A certain amount of money must be set aside as a "ring fenced fund" for all creditors without security under section 176A. This is set by statutory instrument as a maximum of £600,000, or 20 per cent of the remaining value, or 50 per cent of the value of anything under £10,000. All these preferential categories (for insolvency practitioners, employees, and a limited amount for unsecured creditors) come in priority to the holder of a floating charge.
    Floating charge holders come next. Like a fixed charge, a floating charge can be created by a contract with a company before insolvency. Like with a fixed charge, this is usually done in return for a loan from a bank. But unlike a fixed charge, a floating charge need not refer to a specific asset of the company. It can cover the entire business, including a fluctuating body of assets that is traded with day today, or assets that a company will receive in future. The preferential categories were created by statute to prevent secured creditors taking all assets away. This reflected the view that the power of freedom of contract should be limited to protect employees, small businesses or consumers who have unequal bargaining power.[35]
    After funds are taken away to pay all preferential groups and the holder of a floating charge, the remaining money due to unsecured creditors. In 2001 recovery rates were found to be 53% of one's debt for secured lenders, 35% for preferential creditors but only 7% for unsecured creditors on average.[36]
    Any money due for interest on debts proven in the winding up process.
    Money due to company members under a share redemption contract.
    Debts due to members who hold preferential rights.
    Ordinary shareholders, who have the right to residual assets.

Aside from pari passu or a priority scheme, historical insolvency laws used many methods for distributing losses. The Talmud (ca 200AD) envisaged that each remaining penny would be dealt out to each creditor in turn, until a creditor received all he was owed, or the money ran out. This meant the small creditors were more likely to be paid in full than large and powerful creditors.[37]

The priority system is reinforced by a line of case law, whose principle is to ensure that creditors cannot contract out of the statutory regime:

        The general principle, according to the Mellish LJ in Re Jeavons, ex parte Mackay[38] is that "a person cannot make it a part of his contract that, in the event of bankruptcy, he is then to get some additional advantage which prevents the property being distributed under the bankruptcy laws." So in that case, Jeavons made a contract to give Brown & Co an armour plates patent, and in return Jeavons would get royalties. Jeavons also got a loan from Brown & Co. They agreed half the royalties would pay off the loan, but if Jeavons went insolvent, Brown & Co would not have to pay any royalties. The Court of Appeal held half the royalties would still need to be paid, because this was a special right for Brown & Co that only arose upon insolvency.
        In a case where a creditor is owed money by an insolvent company, but also the creditor itself owes a sum to the company, Forster v Wilson[39] held that the creditor may set-off the debt, and only needs to pay the difference. The creditor does not have to pay all its debts to the company, and then wait with other unsecured creditors for an unlikely repayment.
        However, this depends on the sums for set-off actually being in the creditors' possession. In British Eagle International Air Lines Ltd v Compaigne Nationale Air France,[40] a group of airlines, through the International Air Transport Association had a netting system to deal with all the expenses they incurred to one another
    The law permits creditors making contracts with a company before insolvency to take a security interest over a company's property. If the security is refers to some specific asset, the holder of this "fixed charge" may take the asset away free from anybody else's interest in order to satisfy the debt. If two charges are created over the same property, the charge holder with the first will have the first access.
    The Insolvency Act 1986 section 176ZA gives special priority to all the fees and expenses of the insolvency practitioner, who carries out an administration or winding up. The practitioner's expenses will include the wages due on any employment contract that the practitioner chooses to adopt.[33] But controversially, the Court of Appeal in Krasner v McMath held this would not include the statutory requirement to pay compensation for a management's failure to consult upon collective redundancies.[34]
    Even if they are not retained, employees' wages up to £800 and sums due into employees' pensions, are to be paid under section 175.
    A certain amount of money must be set aside as a "ring fenced fund" for all creditors without security under section 176A. This is set by statutory instrument as a maximum of £600,000, or 20 per cent of the remaining value, or 50 per cent of the value of anything under £10,000. All these preferential categories (for insolvency practitioners, employees, and a limited amount for unsecured creditors) come in priority to the holder of a floating charge.
    Floating charge holders come next. Like a fixed charge, a floating charge can be created by a contract with a company before insolvency. Like with a fixed charge, this is usually done in return for a loan from a bank. But unlike a fixed charge, a floating charge need not refer to a specific asset of the company. It can cover the entire business, including a fluctuating body of assets that is traded with day today, or assets that a company will receive in future. The preferential categories were created by statute to prevent secured creditors taking all assets away. This reflected the view that the power of freedom of contract should be limited to protect employees, small businesses or consumers who have unequal bargaining power.[35]
    After funds are taken away to pay all preferential groups and the holder of a floating charge, the remaining money due to unsecured creditors. In 2001 recovery rates were found to be 53% of one's debt for secured lenders, 35% for preferential creditors but only 7% for unsecured creditors on average.[36]
    Any money due for interest on debts proven in the winding up process.
    Money due to company members under a share redemption contract.
    Debts due to members who hold preferential rights.
    Ordinary shareholders, who have the right to residual assets.

Aside from pari passu or a priority scheme, historical insolvency laws used many methods for distributing losses. The Talmud (ca 200AD) envisaged that each remaining penny would be dealt out to each creditor in turn, until a creditor received all he was owed, or the money ran out. This meant the small creditors were more likely to be paid in full than large and powerful creditors.[37]

The priority system is reinforced by a line of case law, whose principle is to ensure that creditors cannot contract out of the statutory regime:

        The general principle, according to the Mellish LJ in Re Jeavons, ex parte Mackay[38] is that "a person cannot make it a part of his contract that, in the event of bankruptcy, he is then to get some additional advantage which prevents the property being distributed under the bankruptcy laws." So in that case, Jeavons made a contract to give Brown & Co an armour plates patent, and in return Jeavons would get royalties. Jeavons also got a loan from Brown & Co. They agreed half the royalties would pay off the loan, but if Jeavons went insolvent, Brown & Co would not have to pay any royalties. The Court of Appeal held half the royalties would still need to be paid, because this was a special right for Brown & Co that only arose upon insolvency.
        In a case where a creditor is owed money by an insolvent company, but also the creditor itself owes a sum to the company, Forster v Wilson[39] held that the creditor may set-off the debt, and only needs to pay the difference. The creditor does not have to pay all its debts to the company, and then wait with other unsecured creditors for an unlikely repayment.
        However, this depends on th
    The law permits creditors making contracts with a company before insolvency to take a security interest over a company's property. If the security is refers to some specific asset, the holder of this "fixed charge" may take the asset away free from anybody else's interest in order to satisfy the debt. If two charges are created over the same property, the charge holder with the first will have the first access.
    The Insolvency Act 1986 section 176ZA gives special priority to all the fees and expenses of the insolvency practitioner, who carries out an administration or winding up. The practitioner's expenses will include the wages due on any employment contract that the practitioner chooses to adopt.[33] But controversially, the Court of Appeal in Krasner v McMath held this would not include the statutory requirement to pay compensation for a management's failure to consult upon collective redundancies.[34]
    Even if they are not retained, employees' wages up to £800 and sums due into employees' pensions, are to be paid under section 175.
    A certain amount of money must be set aside as a "ring fenced fund" for all creditors without security under section 176A. This is set by statutory instrument as a maximum of £600,000, or 20 per cent of the remaining value, or 50 per cent of the value of anything under £10,000. All these preferential categories (for insolvency practitioners, employees, and a limited amount for unsecured creditors) come in priority to the holder of a floating charge.
    Floating charge holders come next. Like a fixed charge, a floating charge can be created by a contract with a company before insolvency. Like with a fixed charge, this is usually done in return for a loan from a bank. But unlike a fixed charge, a floating charge need not refer to a specific asset of the company. It can cover the entire business, including a fluctuating body of assets that is traded with day today, or assets that a company will receive in future. The preferential categories were created by statute to prevent secured creditors taking all assets away. This reflected the view that the power of freedom of contract should be limited to protect employees, small businesses or consumers who have unequal bargaining power.[35]
    After funds are taken away to pay all preferential groups and the holder of a floating charge, the remaining money due to unsecured creditors. In 2001 recovery rates were found to be 53% of one's debt for secured lenders, 35% for preferential creditors but only 7% for unsecured creditors on average.[36]
    Any money due for interest on debts proven in the winding up process.
    Money due to company members under a share redemption contract.
    Debts due to members who hold preferential rights.
    Ordinary shareholders, who have the right to residual assets.

Aside from pari passu or a priority scheme, historical insolvency laws used many methods for distributing losses. The Talmud (ca 200AD) envisaged that each remaining penny would be dealt out to each creditor in turn, until a creditor received all he was owed, or the money ran out. This meant the small creditors were more likely to be paid in full than large and powerful creditors.[37]

The priority system is reinforced by a line of case law, whose principle is to ensure that creditors cannot contract out of the statutory regime:

        The general principle, according to the Mellish LJ in Re Jeavons, ex parte Mackay[38] is that "a person cannot make it a part of his contract that, in the event of bankruptcy, he is then to get some additional advantage which prevents the property being distributed under the bankruptcy laws." So in that case, Jeavons made a contract to give Brown & Co an armour plates patent, and in return Jeavons would get royalties. Jeavons also got a loan from Brown & Co. They agreed half the royalties would pay off the loan, but if Jeavons went insolvent, Brown & Co would not have to pay any royalties. The Court of Appeal held half the royalties would still need to be paid, because this was a special right for Brown & Co that only arose upon insolvency.
        In a case where a creditor is owed money by an insolvent company, but also the creditor itself owes a sum to the company, Forster v Wilson[39] held that the creditor may set-off the debt, and only needs to pay the difference. The creditor does not have to pay all its debts to the company, and then wait with other unsecured creditors for an unlikely repayment.
        However, this depends on the sums for set-off actually being in the creditors' possession. In British Eagle International Air Lines Ltd v Compaigne Nationale Air France,[40] a group of airlines, through the International Air Transport Association had a netting system to deal with all the expenses they incurred to one another efficiently. All paid into a common fund, and then at the end of each month, the sums were settled at once. British Eagle went insolvent and was a debtor overall to the scheme, but Air France owed it money. Air France claimed it should not have to pay British Eagle, was bound to pay into the netting scheme, and have the sums cleared there. The House of Lords said this would have the effect of evading the insolvency regime. It did not matter that the dominant purpose of the IATA scheme was for good business reasons. It was nevertheless void.
        Belmont Park Investments Pty Ltd v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd and Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc observed that the general principle consists of two subrules — the anti-deprivation rule (formerly known as "fraud upon the bankruptcy law") and the pari passu rule, which are addressed to different mischiefs — and held that, in borderline cases, a commercially sensible transaction entered into in good faith should not be held to infringe the first rule.
        All these anti-avoidance rules are, however, subject to the very large exception that creditors remain able to jump up the priority queue, through the creation of a security interest.

See also: Netting and Set-off (law)
Secured lending
Main articles: UK banking law, Banking law, and Security interest
The Bank of England (est 1694) is the lender to all other banks, at an interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee under the Bank of England Act 1998. When lending on money to businesses at a higher interest rate, banks will contract for fixed and floating charges to decrease their risk and stabilise profits.
nsport Association had a netting system to deal with all the expenses they incurred to one another efficiently. All paid into a common fund, and then at the end of each month, the sums were settled at once. British Eagle went insolvent and was a debtor overall to the scheme, but Air France owed it money. Air France claimed it should not have to pay British Eagle, was bound to pay into the netting scheme, and have the sums cleared there. The House of Lords said this would have the effect of evading the insolvency regime. It did not matter that the dominant purpose of the IATA scheme was for good business reasons. It was nevertheless void.
        Belmont Park Investments Pty Ltd v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd and Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc observed that the general principle consists of two subrules — the anti-deprivation rule (formerly known as "fraud upon the bankruptcy law") and the pari passu rule, which are addressed to different mischiefs — and held that, in borderline cases, a commercially sensible transaction entered into in good faith should not be held to infringe the first rule.
        All these anti-avoidance rules are, however, subject to the very large exception that creditors remain able to jump up the priority queue, through the creation of a security interest.

See also: Netting and Set-off (law)
Secured lending
Main articles: UK banking law, Banking law, and Security interest
The Bank of England (est 1694) is the lender to all other banks, at an interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee under the Bank of England Act 1998. When lending on money to businesses at a higher interest rate, banks will contract for fixed and floating charges to decrease their risk and stabilise profits.
d it money. Air France claimed it should not have to pay British Eagle, was bound to pay into the netting scheme, and have the sums cleared there. The House of Lords said this would have the effect of evading the insolvency regime. It did not matter that the dominant purpose of the IATA scheme was for good business reasons. It was nevertheless void.
        Belmont Park Investments Pty Ltd v BNY Corporate Trustee Services Ltd and Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc observed that the general principle consists of two subrules — the anti-deprivation rule (formerly known as "fraud upon the bankruptcy law") and the pari passu rule, which are addressed to different mischiefs — and held that, in borderline cases, a commercially sensible transaction entered into in good faith should not be held to infringe the first rule.
        All these anti-avoidance rules are, however, subject to the very large exception that creditors remain able to jump up the priority queue, through the creation of a security interest.

See also: Netting and Set-off (law)
Secured lending
Main articles: UK banking law, Banking law, and Security interest
The Bank of England (est 1694) is the lender to all other banks, at an interest rate set by the Monetary Policy Committee under the Bank of England Act 1998. When lending on money to businesses at a higher interest rate, banks will contract for fixed and floating charges to decrease their risk and stabilise profits.

Senin, 18 November 2013

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Minggu, 17 November 2013

Zeiss Terra Ed 8X42 Binoculars

By on 14.33

Zeiss Terra Ed 8X42 Binoculars

Zeiss Terra ED binoculars deliver a new level of affordable, open-country observation with Schott ED glass enhanced with Zeiss MC coatings.

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The Zeiss Terra 8x42 ED Binocular lets you take top-grade performance into the field. Featuring extra low dispersion SCHOTT ED glass and Zeiss MC coatings for ,Sportsman's Guide Has Your Zeiss 8x42 Terra Ed Binoculars Available At A Great Price In Our Binoculars Collection.,Find great deals on eBay for zeiss binoculars 8x42 and zeiss binoculars 8x. Shop with confidence.,Find great deals on Zeiss terra ed Binoculars & Telescopes, including discounts on the Zeiss Conquest 8x42 HD Binocular 524211.,Zeiss Terra ED binoculars deliver a new level of affordable, open-country observation with Schott ED glass enhanced with Zeiss MC coatings. The pure, vivid images ,The Zeiss Terra ED 8x42 are an extremely capable binocular, and as good or better than anything else in this price range. Optically, while not a lot better than the ,The TERRA ED binoculars from Carl Zeiss - a new class of affordable innovation. Discover the smallest details and experience the greatest moments.,Legendary Zeiss engineering packs the Terra ED binocular with the high-performance features you expect from a German-made optic. An incredible value, the Terra ED ,Zeiss 8x42 Terra ED Binoculars - Take higher performance into the field. TERRA Binoculars combine ED glass with ZEISS MC coating for pure, bright and vivid images ,The TERRA ED binoculars from Carl Zeiss - premium ZEISS optics within the reach of every hunter.

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Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Oravo Sterling Silver Rhodium Finish Cubic Zirconia Mens Classy Ring SR10798-1XX Size: 13

By on 14.25

Oravo Sterling Silver Rhodium Finish Cubic Zirconia Mens Classy Ring SR10798-1XX Size: 13

Oravo A shimmering sea of 41 Micro pave set brilliant sparkling Cubic Zirconia. Ring features superb craftsmanship and finishing, each CZ is set with the aid of a microscope.

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  • Gender : Male
  • Gemstone : Cubic Zirconia
  • Gem Shape : BrilliantRound
  • Material : RhodiumSilver
  • Ring Type : AnniversaryWedding

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Jumat, 15 November 2013

Slide Slide,clipped Corner,ground Edges,pk 72

By on 14.56

Slide Slide,clipped Corner,ground Edges,pk 72

Microscope Slide,Green Glass,Size 75x25mm,Thickness Ground Edges,Clipped Corner,Package Quantity 72

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Kamis, 14 November 2013

Cover Slip Cover Slip,borosilicate Glass,pk 165

By on 17.13

Cover Slip Cover Slip,borosilicate Glass,pk 165

Microscope Slide,White Glass,Size 75x25mm,Thickness 1mm,Includes Clipped Corners,Package Quantity 72

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Rabu, 13 November 2013

Atn Night Scout Vx Genration Ii Nightvision Binoculars

By on 10.25

Atn Night Scout Vx Genration Ii Nightvision Binoculars

ATN Night Scout Generation 2 Nightvision Binoculars dont sacrifice quality or performance.

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Selasa, 12 November 2013

Zeiss Victory Ht Full Size 8X42 Binoculars

By on 12.34

Zeiss Victory Ht Full Size 8X42 Binoculars

With its ergonomic design coupled with SCHOTT HT-glass, these Zeiss Victory HT Full Size 8x42 Binoculars deliver unrivaled light transmission and long-term comfort in the field.

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This is my first pair of full-sized binocular, These are on the large size for an 8x42 optic, Carl Zeiss Optical 8x42 Victory HT Binocular ,Buy Zeiss 8x42 Victory HT Binocular features High Transmission Schott Glass Elements, Abbe-Koenig Roof Prism Design. Review Zeiss Binoculars, Binoculars & Scopes,With its ergonomic design coupled with SCHOTT HT-glass, these Zeiss Victory HT Full Size 10x42 Binoculars deliver unrivaled light transmission and long-term comfort ,More freedom of movement whatever the weather that is the beauty of the Zeiss Victory HT 8x42. A particularly wide field of view and 8x magnification make these ,VICTORY HT | Experience nature with impressive clarity - the brightest premium binoculars in the world from Carl Zeiss.,Get your Zeiss binoculars victory 8x42 shipped in time for the Holidays! Huge holiday savings on Binoculars & Telescopes. Brand new models. Prices starting from $195.00.,Carl Zeiss Optical 8x42 Victory HT Binocular by This is my first pair of full-sized binocular, These are on the large size for an 8x42 optic, ,Zeiss Victory Ht Binoculars - 18 results like Victory 8x42 T* HT Binocular, Victory 10x42 T* HT Binocular, Zeiss Victory HT 10x42mm Binoculars, Zeiss Victory Ht Full ,Zeiss Victory HT 8x42mm Binoculars - ZEISS VICTORY HT 8x42 Binoculars More freedom of movement whatever the weather that is the beauty of the VICTORY HT 8x42.,With its ergonomic design coupled with SCHOTT HT-glass, these Zeiss Victory HT Full Size 8x42 Binoculars deliver unrivaled light transmission and long-term comfort in

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Senin, 11 November 2013

Nikon Prostaff 5 Riflescopes

By on 18.36

Nikon Prostaff 5 Riflescopes

Built with the same image-enhancing technology in high-end Nikon scopes, the ProStaff 5 series offers serious performance in the field without the high price.

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Minggu, 10 November 2013

Ken-A-Vision Dual Purpose Scope 2 with Binocular Head T-19331C

By on 18.12

Ken-A-Vision Dual Purpose Scope 2 with Binocular Head T-19331C

Ken-A-Vision Features: -Dual purpose scope 2 with binocular head. -Aluminum single cast body. -Separate top light for viewing large, macro or opaque specimens.

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Sabtu, 09 November 2013

New U.S. Military 3 25X56 Mm Counter Sniper Scope Covert Matte Black Hardcoat '

By on 18.21

New U.S. Military 3 25X56 Mm Counter Sniper Scope Covert Matte Black Hardcoat '

Click image to enlarge... Both offer 8x zoom... a Counter Sniper Optics Exclusive 0.125" precise locking turretsAll Scopes have 3colorVariable Intensity IlluminatedMil. Dot.

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Jumat, 08 November 2013

Flir Scout Ts Nightvision Camera

By on 17.46

Flir Scout Ts Nightvision Camera

See in the dark and in low-light conditions using full-resolution, thermal-imaging cameras that are easy to pack and easy to use.

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TS-Series Handheld Thermal Night Vision Camera
TS-Series Handheld Thermal Night Vision Camera THE ULTIMATE PACKAGE: PALM-SIZED POWERFUL THERMAL IMAGING When you want a thermal camera thats easy to pack, easy to

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See in the dark and in low-light conditions using full-resolution, thermal-imaging cameras that are easy to pack and easy to use. The bleeding-edge nightvision

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The original FLIR Scout, the TS-Series continues to provide unparalleled field performance and value along with excellent image quality. An expanded array of six

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Flir Scout TS-24 Std - Thermal Imaging Camera. Built around Flirs bleeding-edge thermal night vision technology, The TS-24 Scout uses a thermal camera that

Kamis, 07 November 2013

Vortex Optics Razor Hd 8X42 Binoculars

By on 19.50

Vortex Optics Razor Hd 8X42 Binoculars

Vortex Optics Razor HD 8x42 Binoculars feature fully multicoated lenses that increase light transmission by using multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces.

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Your source for binoculars, spotting scopes, Vortex Razor HD binoculars are offered in 8x42, Vortex Razor HD binoculars feature a field of view of 388 feet ,Vortex Razor HD 8x42 Binoculars RZB-2101 are lightweight, compact, bright, and incredibly clear binoculars by Vortex, ready for the most demanding tasks in the most ,Vortex Razor HD 8x42 Binoculars are your chance to see what's next in the future of hunting binoculars. Reach for the pinnacle of high-performance optics with the ,Awards: Winner Binocular of the Year 2012. The new Vortex Razor HD binoculars are basically an evolution on their already excellent "standard" Razor binoculars to ,Visit eBay for great deals on a huge selection vortex razor hd 8x42. Shop eBay!,Visit eBay for great deals on a huge selection vortex razor hd 8x42 binocular. Shop eBay!,Vortex Razor HD 8x42 Roof Prism Binocular Smaller, lighter, brighter and stronger than ever before, the 2012 Razor HD offers the ultimate combination of advanced ,Vortex Razor HD 8x42 Binocular - Is this the best yet of the Vortex Razor HD binoculars? You bet it is! The third generation Razor HD takes already great optics to ,Razor HD 8x42 Roof Prism Binocular. Extreme terrain. Unimaginable condiitons. Both test your mettleand your optics. With a well-earned reputation for pushing the ,Razor HD Binoculars. Razor HD binoculars have a well-earned reputation for pushing the limits of optical performance. Small, light, bright, and strong nothing else

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Razor HD Binoculars. Razor HD binoculars have a well-earned reputation for pushing the limits of optical performance. Small, light, bright, and strong nothing else

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Razor HD 8x42 Roof Prism Binocular. Extreme terrain. Unimaginable condiitons. Both test your mettleand your optics. With a well-earned reputation for pushing the

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Vortex Razor HD 8x42 Binoculars are your chance to see what's next in the future of hunting binoculars. Reach for the pinnacle of high-performance optics with the

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Vortex Razor HD 8x42 Binoculars RZB-2101 are lightweight, compact, bright, and incredibly clear binoculars by Vortex, ready for the most demanding tasks in the most

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Rabu, 06 November 2013

Tac Series Binocular Case

By on 19.36

Tac Series Binocular Case

Tactical and tough, our TAC Series Binocular Case protects your investment during your time in the field.

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Tactical and tough, our TAC Series Binocular Case protects your investment during your time in the field. The rugged 600-denier polyester exterior boasts five strong

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